Re: String Freeze break for Tweaks

2017-09-11 1:55 GMT+02:00 Jeremy Bicha <jbicha ubuntu com>:
On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com> wrote:
The deadline is in two days, so I’m afraid I can’t give you a +1.
The only known use of this string is for Ubuntu 17.10 and 17.10 won't
release until after Tweaks 3.26.1 is released in 3 weeks.

I mean there is a second option for Ubuntu and that's to just patch
the new string in there and use Launchpad for translations. Generally,
only Ubuntu 'main' packages uses Launchpad but universe packages like
gnome-tweak-tool can opt in. I'd rather see those translations go into
GNOME directly though…

I reaaally dislike Ubuntu replacing upstream translations, but that’s
not relevant right now…

Or the setting could temporarily go in Ubuntu's Dock settings panel in
their gnome-control-center. (The Dock panel like many of Ubuntu's
tweaks is present in the "Ubuntu" session but not the available
"GNOME" session.)

Tweaks is sometimes used to work around late changes elsewhere so I
think maybe a bit more flexibility is appropriate?

I’m willing to give a +1 for adding the string after the 3.26.0
release. So we get a “clean” .0 release, three weeks to translate it,
and Ubuntu is satisfied.

Best regards,

Piotr DrÄ…g

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