Re: Freeze Break Request : Push Mallard Documentation for Gnome-Nibbles

Aruna S wrote:

I would like to request a freeze break to commit the patches that have been
reviewed here :

The documentation for gnome-nibbles has been converted into Mallard and it
would be nice if it were included as part of 3.8.

There should be no impact from these changes, as they are local only to

There's a patch marked "reviewed" and the other one is marked
"needs-work", could you both get them in the "accepted commit after
freeze" state?

Also, while we do not set that as requirement, I'd feel sorry for the
German, Spanish, Greek, and French translation teams as they have the
existing documentation translated. Maybe you could land this just
after 3.8.0?

Anyway, this is not really about code, so there's no freeze break to
request; just do what you think is the best.


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