Re: About the role of the Release (again)

On Mon, 2013-08-05 at 23:27 +0200, Matthias Clasen wrote:

We have been quite a  bit more active in setting direction, in the
past year. Big decisions:

- replacing fallback mode by classic mode
- wayland

Yes...but we're talking about like the nautilus redesign that wasn't
posted or discussed in that way.

I have the impression that the current discussion is about unhappiness
in certain circles with decisions that have been made in individual
modules. I have zero interest in turning the release team into a
commit police, and I'm not going to participate in that kind of

Right, I don't think anyone wants to be the commit police.  I think the
role has to be structured such that changes *always* conceptually go
through the design/release team i.e. we treat the git repos as pull
requests, and both teams are consistently active in looking at the
commits and assisting.

Would that work?  It'd be a big change from the "modules are maintainer
fiefdoms" model, but I do think ultimately if we're talking about doing
something here, that's what would have to change.

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