gnome-shell message tray behavior change


I would like to land for 3.4 .

It implements automatically showing the message tray when the user becomes active if the user was idle throughout the whole time one or more notifications were shown. This allows us to inform the user of the notifications the user has likely missed.

This can be reflected in the user documentation by adding the following to "The message tray" section in (the information below describes some behavior that existed before too):

"The message tray is automatically shown in two cases. Firstly, the message tray is briefly shown after a notification is done displaying if that notification resulted in a new item being added to the message tray. Secondly, the message tray is shown for a longer period of time when the user becomes active after having been inactive throughout the whole time when one or more notifications were shown. This allows the system to inform the user of the notifications that the user has likely missed. The message tray is never shown automatically if the user has turned the notifications off."


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