Re: 20120505 meeting minutes

I was really bad in following up with my action items. Really thanks a
lot to Fred and Matthias for taking action on some of my items.

On Sat, 2012-05-05 at 20:37 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> Presence at GNOME.Asia
> ======================
> [AI] andre: have a quick pre-flight chat with aday + rtcm about the
> input method integration

According to there will be two talks
about input methods at GNOME.Asia tomorrow: 
"GNOME之中文輸入法簡介、發展及困難" and 
"Input Methods for Indian and European(English) languages".
Probably not much sense to attend the first one due to the language
barrier. Second one is more likely. I'll ask aday who is also here.

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