Re: [joanied gnome org: Re: Negativ Layout in Gnome 3]

On 06/01/2011 11:10 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:
What is going on with Accessibility?

- Accessibility
   → the feature will be completed the day we can enable a11y by default,
     probably not possible for 3.2, still the a11y team is working hard and
     tracking progress in

FYI, this was the state also in GNOME 2.X. Not sure why suddenly the feature will be complete when this issue gets solved.

Anyway, I agree that this is a really important feature.

     → remove from the features page

Was done recently. FWIW, when I mentioned that on the weekly a11y meeting, I started to receive some personal messages (IRC+mail, yes, more than one), wondering if that means that GNOME didn't care about accessibility. Was hard to explain there wasn't any different on the plans to keep improving a11y, and that this change was just a coordination change. Some people felt that this change removed a lot of visibility of the accessibility work. I was also surprised that this change became so conflictive, although I agree about that this change makes accessibility a little less visible.

     → make sure the coordination page has theme issues listed (gtk themes, gnome
       themes, icon themes...) are properly updated, although with some missing key contacts, like this:

-->  can we push this somehow?

In relation with GNOME Shell, I sent a mail to the people involved, to at least know if there are specific plans towards 3.2.

-->  I think above summary is giving the impression that Accessibility is not
important, while it is

I don't understand this paragraph. It is your opinion or what you extract from Joanmarie mail?


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias (API) (apinheiro igalia com)

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