Re: Draft of 3.0 schedule

Am Mittwoch, den 13.01.2010, 04:01 +0100 schrieb Vincent Untz:
> Hrm, did you announce it? :-)

No, as new problems pop up from time to time, for example GTK+
constantly continuing to deprecate/seal some functionality (and being
late as always), plus I currently don't consider dconf as too realistic
for 3.0 (GVariant will be in for 2.30, GSettings might be in for 2.30
but very very unsure, GDBus won't happen for 2.30).

So if vuntz plans to hack a bit on the panel for that probably does not
end up in 2.30, there will be a gnome-panel 2.32 release.
If there are a few more modules like this, I'm wondering if *ONE* 2.32.0
release (parallel to 3.0, not necessarily at the same time) might make
sense. Of course (and afterwards) it can be left to the distros instead
decide this.
(Also, what would other 2.32 stuff be?)

Is GNOME 2.30 a normal, stable release with incremental updates, or is
GNOME 2.30 a preview for GNOME 3? I think it is the first, but this is
NOT totally clear currently (at least it wasn't today in the #a11y

This also directly influences decisions if potentially dangerous changes
in the a11y stack go into 2.30 (which makes it more unstable, but the
changes gets more testing) or into 2.31.
I think Willie plans to send an email about this.


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