Re: Release Team Meeting. Module proposals.

Le dimanche 27 juillet 2008 à 22:08 +0200, Andre Klapper a écrit :
> Guys,
> according to the schedule we got to meet within the next days. Most of
> us are based in Europe, so meeting in the evening (UTC) should hopefully
> also be fine for the US based member(s). Proposals, or times that won't
> work for you? I'm also fine with the next weekend.
> Agenda (please add more things that come to your mind):
> * Module decisions (please be prepared, thanks.)
> * Membership changes (J5 -> mclasen)
> * that 3.0 thingy?

For the record, I won't be available the entire saturday (August 2nd).

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat mandriva com>

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