external dependencies review


while bumping the dbus version, I noticed that the telepathy stuff was
missing on the wiki, so I took the freedom to add libtelepathy,
telepathy-glib and telepathy-mission-control. They were already added
to the moduleset a while ago. I also did a little review comparing the
versions listed on the wiki page to the versions we ship in rawhide (
== latest upstream release). Here is the list
of modules where the recommended version on the wiki is not the same
as the latest upstream:

cairomm 			1.2.2 	same  	1.5.0
dbus-python 		0.80.2 	same  	0.83.0
desktop-file-utils 	0.10 	same 	0.15
enchant 			1.2.5	same	1.4.2
expat			1.95.8	same	2.0.1
gamin			0.1.8	same	0.1.9
gnutls			1.4.0	same	2.4.1
gpgme			1.0.0	same	1.1.6
hal				0.5.10	same 	0.5.11
icon-naming-utils	0.8.1	same	0.8.7
iso-codes		0.53		same	3.1
libgpg-error		1.4		same	1.6
libgsf			1.14.5	same	1.14.8
libmusicbrainz	2.1.3	2.1.4	2.1.5
libtasn1			0.3.4	same	1.4
libxslt			1.1.22	same	1.1.24
ndesk-dbus		0.6.0	same	0.6.1a
opencdk			0.5.8	same	0.6.6
pkg-config		0.21		same	0.23
poppler			0.8.0	same	0.8.5
pycairo			1.2.2	same	1.4.12
Python			2.4.3	same	2.5.1
rarian			0.7.0	same	0.8.0
shared-mime-info	0.22		0.50		0.51
firefox			2.0		same	3.0.1

some questionable deps:
gamin - what requires gamin directly ?
libcolorblind - is at version 0.0.1, and dead ?
firefox - should we list xulrunner 1.9 instead ?

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