Hi all, evince 2.19.92 was released depending on poppler 0.6, so I removed a lot of #ifdefs for the features that were already implemented in evince but not yet in a poppler release. The thing is that I removed from the configure the HAVE_FORMS macro but I forgot to remove one of the #ifdefs in the code. In summary, evince 2.19.92 doesn't support interactive forms :-P So, here is the trivial path to fix it: http://carlosgc.linups.org/files/ev-forms-macro.diff Ok to commit? -- Carlos Garcia Campos elkalmail yahoo es carlosgc gnome org http://carlosgc.linups.org PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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