post-2.20 release team meeting -- gather agenda items


This is an early (premature?) email about setting up a post-2.20
release team meeting to discuss the 2.22 cycle.  I'm thinking some
time during the week after the 2.20 release.  Some early agenda items
(please add any you can think of):
  - Follow-up on previous action items
  - Answer any questions Olav and Karsten have, and assign them lots
    of tasks.  :-)
  - 2.22 schedule (though it seems Andre may have already handled that...)
  - Start getting volunteers for the 2.22 release notes (it was
    awesome that Murray led the effort for 2.20 again, but we really
    need to expand the group doing that and making sure it doesn't
    hinge on him) AND sneak previews.
  - Discuss how to streamline external dependency handling (delegate
    the entire task to the build brigade?)
  - Figure out how to not suck at tarballs-due/freeze-start reminder
  - Discuss release team manager/symbolic-figurehead replacement?
    I've been here long enough, it's probably someone else's turn.
    I'd be fine staying in the release team, but I think it may be
    getting time to at least change this aspect.
  - Make assignments for 2.20.x and 2.21.x releases.


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