Meeting Minutes Sep 29

Minutes of the Release-Team meeting, 2007-Sep-29

0) Attendance

Karsten Bräckelmann
Frederic Crozat
Elijah Newren
Vincent Untz
Olav Vitters

No attendance:
Andre Klapper
Kjartan Maraas
John Palmieri 

1) Assignments

Removed all items handled before the meeting.

  - Find a backup for J5 on the 2.20.1 release 2.20.1 if OLPC schedule
    precludes J5 from handling it (FIXED)
  - contact murray and ask for his input on how to get more people
    involved in release notes writing.
  - send an email about the proposed passing of the baton (FIXED)
  - try to get kmaraas and J5 to do 1 or 2 releases, rest for elijah and

  - mail emeritus r-t members to announce they can be on r-t list
    if they want (ASSIGNED)
  - follow up with marketing team regarding 2.22 schedule
  - write a cronjob to automate reminder emails, or find another sucker
    to do it

  - make an ical file for the new schedule

  - contact Andreas about helping out with Release Notes, after we get
    input from Murray
  - update the wiki about the mailing list change for version bump
    requests for external deps, and send an announcement of the policy
    change to d-a-l
  - figure out how to combine GARNOME release with GNOME release

  - Handle the 2.20.1 release (tentative, only if OLPC is released
    before) (WONTFIX)

  - make minutes, send them, update wiki (FIXED)

2) Agreements

There is a proposal to bring 2.22 schedule forward by one week to
release at same time as CeBIT. Decision is awaiting feedback from
marketing team.

Version bump requests should go to r-l only. d-d-l should not be
emailed anymore.

For .0 versions, two requests for releases should go out. The last one
being on Sunday/Monday.

New release team manager: Vincent Untz. Time allowing.

4) Releases

2.20.1  bkor + backup elijah + vuntz
2.21.1  ??
2.21.2  ??
2.20.2  fcrozat
2.21.3  fcrozat
2.21.4  bkor   


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