Re: String freeze coming soon

On 8/22/07, Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net> wrote:
> Hi Christian and Danilo,
> String freeze is coming soon for GNOME, and I would like to know if
> something has changed since GNOME 2.18.
> I've heard that Danilo has tried to create a team to handle this, but
> didn't receive any news about the outcome.
> I'm a little worried when string freeze break request are left
> unanswered, as it has been the case in the previous release, AFAIR. Do
> one or both of you plan to follow requests on gnome-i18n? Do you plan to
> delegate or to mentor other persons for this?
> Maybe mentoring some people that submit the answer to you before
> answering on the list would be the most "pedagogical" way to proceed...
> We can also discuss this on IRC if you want.

I still won't be able to fulfill the duties of a Translation Project
spokesperson for the forseeable future, and I would happily assign my
position to you as soon as possible, if I could only get the other TP
spokesperson, Danilo, to agree on that. So far I've unfortunately been
unsuccessful at contacting him, so I don't know whether he agrees or
not, and since I unfortunately wasn't able to attend Guadec this year,
I know nothing more than you about Danilo's plans.

Personally, I think the most straightforward solution right now is to
continue with two TP spokespersons, where my position will be replaced
with someone else. Release team, I would be happy to see Claude on
that position. He has already done a tremendous amount of work
responding and coordinating efforts on the gnome-i18n mailing list,
and I think he and Danilo will be able to continue doing a good job,
working as a team.


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