2.22 schedule proposal

(a bit early, i know. but i currently don't know how much time and
computers i will have in september.)

ahoj sexy release-team members,

i prepared two drafts for the 2.21 schedule:

in general, i don't see any huge timing problems (like the late guadec
2007 was). it's a 25 weeks schedule and i took care of christmas breaks
and easter.
i'd love to go with the second proposal for two reasons:
- we don't have to meet in the first, but in the second week of january
to decide on new modules (perhaps some folks are still on holidays?)
- i always wanted to have api/abi freeze one week before the release, so
any problems can be identified by testers and worked out correctly,
instead of fixing them in a hurry in those 48 hours that we'd otherwise

comments and criticism welcome.


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