Re: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.16.2 Stable Release

Le mardi 21 novembre 2006, à 18:35, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Le vendredi 17 novembre 2006, à 14:23, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > Tarballs are due on Monday November 20th before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME
> > 2.16.2 Stable Release, which will be delivered on Wednesday.
> I didn't have time to start working on this. Can someone generate the
> modulesets? I'll probably be able to compile everything tomorrow, but if
> we have a volunteer to handle the release, that's better :-)

I uploaded the modulesets a few minutes a go and started a build.
There were some difficulties with generating the modulesets because
there's no more an easy page to get opal, pwlib and libdaemon. I also
had a small issue with libxklavier, but I didn't look deeply into it.

I'll ping the maintainers to get that fixed.

This also means the release might be a bit delayed (since now is a bit
late to start a build). We'll see if my build finishes before I sleep or
not :-)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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