Re: 2.15.x schedule first pass

Le lundi 13 mars 2006 �5:19 -0500, John (J5) Palmieri a �it :
> I placed the first pass of the schedule at
> The module proposal stuff needs to be revamped with what we discussed.
> I also dropped a release and merged the ABI/API Feature and Module
> freeze with the UI freeze due to GUADEC getting in the way as many
> hackers go AWOL before and after GUADEC.  This gives people time to
> either have their fun or furiously hack before the respective freezes.
> Please look over schedule and alert me to any changes that needs to be
> made.

Some comments (that probably needs discussion on d-d-l anyway):

  + I'd really really like to include the release notes schedule
    somewhere on that page. This is important, so it's clear for
    everyone when it should be started, when it can be translated, etc.

  + s/Propose new modules for inclusion!/End of new modules proposal/ if
    we move to the new module proposal stuff

  + there are three weeks between 2.15.1 & 2.15.2 and four weeks between
    2.15.2 & 2.15.3. I believe this should be the other way (more weeks
    between releases at the beginning of the cycle)

  + I'm afraid it will be hard to have 2.15.90, 2.14.3 and 2.15.91 like
    this: it means a new release every week. I don't have a good
    proposition to handle this, though.


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