Re: Anyone have a clue how to handle the GStreamer thing?


Le dimanche 15 janvier 2006 �2:25 -0700, Elijah Newren a �it :
> I sure don't know how to handle this.  I've been thinking about it for
> a while, and the best I can think of is sending an email like what
> I've typed up below, and asking Thomas & Ronald to move the discussion
> (*minus personal portions*) to d-d-l.  Anyone have any alternate
> suggestions or improvements...I hope?  Given how late things already
> are (feature & module freeze is supposed to be less than 24 hours
> away), I'd love it if someone else took over in order to get this out
> before I woke up.  *hint* *hint*.  ;-)  Otherwise, I'll check my email
> in the morning and all the enlightened ideas that you _will_ have sent
> me by then.  :-)

I think moving the discussion to d-d-l is okay. I'll send an e-mail
after this one, heavily "inspired" (read: with a lot of copy &
paste :-)) from what you wrote below.

However, I don't believe we should change the schedule for this issue,
though: I think making some kind of exception only for
GStreamer/GStreamer patches is okay, if some people are actively working
on fixing the issues.


> Hi everybody,
> So, we messed up and didn't keep close enough tabs on everything,
> resulting in discovering an issue pretty late.  This will probably
> force a late decision -- one which will be even later because it's not
> a clear cut decision and thus not one the release team should really
> make; we need to try to find rough consensus in the community, if
> possible.  Some background on the problem:
> (and the jhbuild
> modulesets as a result) listed GStreamer 0.8 to be shipped with Gnome
> 2.14.  Quite a few people were assuming that 0.10 was the plan for
> 2.14 and were totally unaware that 0.8 had even been on the plan. 
> Ubuntu and Fedora development versions (i.e. the distros that I
> checked or found out about) seem to both be headed towards 0.10.  I'm
> not an expert on the issues, but from what I understand, additional
> issues playing a role are that 0.8 will be nearly unmaintained _but_
> 0.10 has multiple regressions relative to 0.8 that are unlikely to be
> fixed by release time.  Thomas and Ronald and others can flesh out the
> technical details much better than we can, so we'll let them do so.
> Now, it is possible to have both 0.8 and 0.10 installed at the same
> time, so the decision could be to ship both and have modules use 0.10
> if it works for them and otherwise use 0.8.  Or maybe support both
> with a configure switch.  However, either of these would mean taking a
> lot of developer time that would seem much better spent fixing a
> single version.
> It is somewhat unfortunate, but the lateness of the issue will
> probably force some difficulty in the schedule.  We may need to shove
> feature/module freeze effectively back a week (but not doing the same
> for subsequent dates) or being lenient with GStreamer-related freeze
> break requests at first to get this straightened out.
> So, thoughts?  Opinions?  Ways out of this mess?
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