Re: Requesting approval for applying patch (gnome-keyring string change)

Em S� 2006-02-18 �16:28 +0100, Claudio Saavedra escreveu:
> >From the HIG, Chapter 6, section "Text entry fields" [1]:
>   "Label the entry field with a text label above it or to its left,
>    using sentence capitalization. Provide an access key in the label
>    that allows the user to give focus directly to the entry field."
> It would be very sad to see this bug in a shiped desktop knowing that it
> could have been solved.

Precisely. And it shouldn't be hard for translators to catch up with
this change. It would be great if this had been fixed before the freeze,
but well, it wasn't. We're still at bug fixing stage, and a serious UI
problem depends on this string freeze break, it should really be


Guilherme de S. Pastore (fatalerror)
<guilherme pastore terra com br>

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