Re: inhumanit info

TTEN - Ten & 10, Inc.
GROUND FLOOR opportunity in the WIFI Industry!!
TTEN could see explosive growth as a newly trading company - 500%-1000% is not uncommon.
Current: 0.11
Sh or t Term Tar get: 1.20
TTEN has grown from China business focus to USA, Europe, Latin America as well as other areas of Asia. Within 12 months expected to generate $2 MILLION in NET INCOME. $200 MILLION in 5 years.
TTEN is made up of 4 operating subsidiaries:

Tech 10: WIFI and WiMAX
Mobile 10: Music and mobile entertainment delivered via Internet, G3, etc
Dream Learning Center: Digital Media Learning products
Ten & 10 Network: Sales and marketing
Telecommunications is globally a TRILLION dollar industry.
Tech 10 has entered into a strategic alliance with FSP Holding an Asian based WiFi and WiMAX provider. The collective goal of the venture is to become the premier MAN/LAN (metropolitan area network/local area network) provider satisfying the needs of government and corporations in Asia. FSP is currently a pioneer in developing high performance, efficient and expandable wireless/wired communication networks in Asia. The Core business is: metropolitan wireless broadband for emergency responses, the WiMAX applications and value-added services, include: Public Safety Surveillance and Mobile Command Center, Distance Learning, Cyber Cafe Access, Dynamic Video Surveillance, SOS Poles, Public Traffic System, Road Monitoring System, Video-Conferencing, Multi-media Broadcasting, Train Compartment Monitoring etc. FSP anticipates the ability to generate gross revenues of about $2 billion in five years, and net profits of about $200 million.

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