offer to help out with release notes/ Gnome

Hi all

I read on the tasks page (at ) that you might want some
volunteers, an I'd like to offer to help with release notes for Gnome.

I use Gnome on a variety of platforms both at home and work, am happy
writing release/ QA/ call centre docs (as part of my day job) and am
keen to get more involved with Gnome. I'm a native English speaker.

I helped out on the Gnome stand at Linux World Expo UK (day 2) and had
great fun.

I'm (slowly) teaching myself C# to hack on various things (first up, let
f-spot save your flickr info!) but think this would be a good way to get
involved with something I'm good at.

I hope this is something I can help with - let us know if it is. I've
signed up to release-team but aren't on the list yet, so you might have
to cc me in.



George Wright <george dexy org>

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