Updated and non-updated modules in 2.12.1; releasing modules late

Hi guys,

Sorry for the volume of email.  Anyway, I have another email I was
thinking of sending.  Is it too heavy-handed a method for attempting
to push people into making releases each cycle and to do so on time?

Also, I updated http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/MakingARelease a
little bit to simplify some and to cover some new simple scripts I
wrote, simple-news and simple-diff, the latter of which made this
email much easier to generate.



So, it looks like releasing modules late is going to be a habit that
will be hard to break for quite a few people.  ;-)  Anyway, this is
mainly a reminder that if you can't make the deadline for some reason,
let the release-team know so that we can help you out.  If a last
minute critical issue comes up, please contact us.

Jeff was working on an automated way of tracking modules that have
been updated or not, but until that's up and running here's the brute
force method for encouraging everyone to make their releases.  :)

Modules updated from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1:
glib                      2.8.1      2.8.3
gnome-vfs                 2.12.0
gtk+                      2.8.3      2.8.6
libxml2                   2.6.21     2.6.22
pango                     1.10.0     1.10.1
bug-buddy                 2.12.0     2.12.1
control-center            2.12.0     2.12.1
eel                       2.12.0     2.12.1
epiphany                  1.8.0      1.8.2
evolution                 2.4.0      2.4.1
evolution-data-server     1.4.0      1.4.1
evolution-exchange        2.4.0      2.4.1
evolution-webcal    2.4.1
file-roller               2.12.0     2.12.1
gedit                     2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-backgrounds         2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-desktop             2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-doc-utils           0.4.0      0.4.2
gnome-games               2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-icon-theme          2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-keyring             0.4.4      0.4.5
gnome-nettool             1.4.0      1.4.1
gnome-panel               2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-speech              0.3.7      0.3.8
gnome-system-monitor      2.12.0     2.12.1
gnome-themes              2.12.0     2.12.1
gnopernicus               0.11.6     0.11.7
gtkhtml                   3.8.0      3.8.1
gtksourceview             1.4.1      1.4.2
gucharmap                 1.4.3      1.4.4
libgnomeprint             2.11.0     2.12.1
libgnomeprintui           2.11.0     2.12.1
librsvg                   2.11.1     2.12.4
libwnck                   2.12.0     2.12.1
metacity                  2.12.0     2.12.1
nautilus                  2.12.0     2.12.1
nautilus-cd-burner        2.12.0     2.12.1
sound-juicer              2.12.0     2.12.2
yelp                      2.12.0     2.12.1
zenity                    2.12.0     2.12.1
Glib                      1.100      1.101
gnome-python              2.12.0     2.12.1
Gtk2                      1.100      1.101
libxml++                  2.11.0     2.12.0

Modules not updated from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1:
atk                       1.10.3     1.10.3
at-spi                    1.6.6      1.6.6
audiofile                 0.2.6      0.2.6
esound                    0.2.36     0.2.36
gail                      1.8.5      1.8.5
GConf                     2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-mime-data           2.4.2      2.4.2
gtk-doc                   1.4        1.4
intltool                  0.34.1     0.34.1
libart_lgpl               2.3.17     2.3.17
libbonobo                 2.10.1     2.10.1
libbonoboui               2.10.1     2.10.1
libglade                  2.5.1      2.5.1
libgnomecanvas            2.12.0     2.12.0
libgnomeui                2.12.0     2.12.0
libIDL                    0.8.6      0.8.6
libxslt                   1.1.15     1.1.15
ORBit2                    2.12.4     2.12.4
pkg-config                0.19       0.19
dasher                    3.2.18     3.2.18
eog                       2.12.0     2.12.0
evince                    0.4.0      0.4.0
gcalctool                 5.6.31     5.6.31
gconf-editor              2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome2-user-docs          2.8.1      2.8.1
gnome-applets             2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-keyring-manager     2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-mag                 0.12.1     0.12.1
gnome-media               2.12.0     2.12.0
gnomemeeting              1.2.2      1.2.2
gnome-menus               2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-netstatus           2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-session             2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-system-tools        1.4.0      1.4.0
gnome-terminal            2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-utils               2.12.0     2.12.0
gnome-volume-manager      1.5.1      1.5.1
gok                       1.0.5      1.0.5
gst-plugins               0.8.11     0.8.11
gstreamer                 0.8.11     0.8.11
gtk-engines               2.6.5      2.6.5
libgail-gnome             1.1.1      1.1.1
libgtop                   2.12.0     2.12.0
libxklavier               2.0        2.0
scrollkeeper              0.3.14     0.3.14
startup-notification      0.8        0.8
system-tools-backends     1.4.0      1.4.0
totem                     1.2.0      1.2.0
vino                      2.12.0     2.12.0
vte                       0.11.15    0.11.15
gconfmm                   2.12.0     2.12.0
glibmm                    2.8.0      2.8.0
Gnome2                    1.022      1.022
Gnome2-Canvas             1.002      1.002
Gnome2-GConf              1.000      1.000
Gnome2-VFS                1.040      1.040
gnome-vfsmm               2.12.0     2.12.0
Gtk2-GladeXML             1.004      1.004
gtkmm                     2.8.0      2.8.0
libgconf-java             2.11.4     2.11.4
libglade-java             2.11.4     2.11.4
libglademm                2.6.1      2.6.1
libgnomecanvasmm          2.12.0     2.12.0
libgnome-java             2.11.4     2.11.4
libgnomemm                2.12.0     2.12.0
libgnomeuimm              2.12.0     2.12.0
libgtk-java               2.6.2      2.6.2
libsigc++                 2.0.16     2.0.16
pygtk                     2.8.0      2.8.0

Note that several of the un-updated modules did actually make a
release (thanks!), but were made late and didn't make it into 2.12.1. 
We're trying to make it easier for projects like garnome, the livecd
effort, involving the community in smoketesting releases, and other
things, so we really are trying to make the new deadline stick unless
an important fix is needed for certain modules and we're made aware of
it (such as happened with gtk+ and gnome-vfs this time around, both of
which had to make additional releases).

- The release team

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