Hoodia - why we are the best

Hoodia Testimonials Sat, 05 Nov 2005 19:29:52 -0800

If you wanna loose weight, then HOODIA Rocks!!! 

I wanted to provide your company with a weight loss testimonial 
and let you know I have finally lost 48 lbs using HOODIA. 
I started using HOODIA at the end of October and since 
then your product has changed my life with not only weight loss, 
but with energy and positive mental effects that gave me the 
motivation to finally do something about my weight. 
At age 35 and heavy for most of my life, I found it even 
more difficult to lose weight after having 3 kids and 
a home to take care of. My success has changed my 
marriage and my own self esteem, so I wanted to 
write you a testimonial. 
Thank You So Much, 
 Rosas - Currently 810 lbs 

I know it is the HOODIA that has made me lose weight 
because I have changed nothing else, in fact I only walk 
two times a week. But now I am so confident I think I will 
try to do it a few more times and see where it gets me. 
I love the fact that I am getting weight loss results 
without any bad side effects like the other products 
that have stimulants in them. So I just had to write 
and give you my testimonial to say I am happy I gained 
my body back and since losing weight, I am ready to 
become more active and attractive than I have ever been. 
Thanks So Much, 
Rosas - Currently 626 lbs 

My name is Carol XXX and I am 43 years old and reside in XXX. 
I have high blood pressure and weighed 178lbs. I started taking 
your product HOODIA in the beginning of March because my physician 
told me I needed to lose weight to get off my blood pressure 
medication and your product was the only one I could find 
that had no stimulants or caffeine. Since I started taking H00DIA 
I have lost 12 lbs and it has helped me make the correct food choices. 
Best of all it has completely stopped my cravings for ice cream 
at night, which has been downfall all along. I showed the bottle 
to my physician and he now recommends it to his patients after 
seeing my results. 

Carol   - Currently 274 lbs 

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