A request has just been made at our website about - release-team gnome org

**Please keep this notification email message for your records**

Urgent - A member at our website is sharing experiences and opinions about you in our online community. 

Why did we send you this email?

We feel that we have a responsibility to inform research subjects so that they have an opportunity to find out what is being said.

To see what the member posted about you use this link - 

http://1.dirt4.info/lx.php?a=search&b=5&c=release-team gnome org


You can avoid future notification e-mails like this by adding your e-mail address(es) to our Do Not E-mail List.  Just use the following link:

http://2.dirt4.info/lx.php?a=donotemail&b=release-team gnome org

Please peruse our website, paying close attention to the FAQ and How To Use This Website pages.  Our website is a radical online concept that may be confusing for some.  However, once you understand it you will understand that it is a quite simple concept.


SYEC Support Department

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