Re: dotplan pages moved

> I'd like to do it, but Jan 2 is a bad time for me - I may be driving
> back home that day after the new-year-visit-the-family thing.
> Or how does the process go?  Do mostly nothing on Jan 2 while the
> tarballs come in, prepare the release on Jan 3
> (download/build/test/etc.), and announce it on Jan 4?  If so, I think I
> can make it.

Yes, that's pretty close to how it goes.  It saves a lot of time if
you can create the moduleset just after the deadline (23:59 UTC on
Monday) so that you don't have to manually downgrade tarball versions
(and md5sums and locations) in the generated files, but if needed I
can handle that part for you and just email you the files for you to
handle on the 3rd.

> Is up to date?

Yes...  I know, it doesn't look updated since it would be a pain to do
a replacement of 2.11.91 with <new-version> everywhere on the page
every time we made a release, but it really has been kept up to date
pretty well.  :)

One thing to note is that it would probably be worthwhile for you to
try running through the "--on testing machine--" steps sometime this
week.  Those parts of the steps are about 95% of the time and effort
involved in doing a release, and they don't affect anything on the
server so you can try them out whenever you want.


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