Re: Release questions...

<quote who="Elijah Newren">

> I probably went overboard, but my idea was fairly similar with just a few
> added twists: I just wanted to remove the need for tracking down the
> version numbers if possible, benefit from all the work that goes into
> maintaining the jhbuild moduleset (dependencies, patches, up-to-date
> module-listings), use what I was familiar with (i.e.  jhbuild), and
> possibly provide an alternative way for others to build from tarballs.
> *shrug*

(Oh, I don't think the idea of building jhbuild tarball module sets instead
of using GARNOME is a bad one - not at all!)

- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
   "(Hint: IRC clients don't usually do DVD and VCD playback)." - Bastien

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