Hi Chris The problem ist hat i use also window not only unix. Von: Christoph Reiter [mailto:reiter christoph gmail com] Gesendet: Montag, 3. Oktober 2016 17:18 An: adrian lanz bluewin ch; python-hackers-list gnome org Betreff: Re: Python 3.4 / GTK3 / Async Afaik you need something like https://github.com/nathan-hoad/gbulb Hi
I use tkinter with a async function on a Linux/Window app. Now I will use gtk3 instead of tkinter. Is there also a way to run my async function? How should I adapt the code Here are some code fragments:
async def _event_loop(app, interval=0.05): try: while True: app.update() await asyncio.sleep(interval) except tkinter.TclError as exc: if "application has been destroyed" not in exc.args[0]: raise
class SSHFrame(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) ... ... async def _run(self, host, command, user, password): try: async with asyncssh.connect(host, username=user, password=password, client_keys=None) as conn: self._proc = await conn.create_process(command, term_type='dumb') while not self._proc.stdout.at_eof(): self._output(await self._proc.stdout.read(1024))
self._output('\n[Disconnected]\n') except (asyncssh.Error, OSError) as exc: self._output('[%s]\n' % str(exc)) finally: self._proc = None
class App(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) ..... .....
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