Fwd: registering Gtk.EventButton as argument to custom signal


I'm trying to port my open source
(https://bitbucket.org/thekswenson/alpha) GTK 2 code to GTK 3.

A have defined a custom signal as follows:

__gsignals__ = {'clicked' : (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None,
                             (GObject.TYPE_STRING, Gdk.Event))}

I later emit this signal:

self.emit('clicked', None, event)

where "event" is a Gdk.EventButton.

This code worked under GTK 2 but apparently an EventButton is not an
Event anymore.  I've tried registering the event with Gdk.EventButton
instead of Gdk.Event but I get an error:

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py:205: Warning:
parameter 2 of type 'void' for signal "xdot+DotWidget::clicked" is not
a value type
  _gobject.type_register(cls, namespace.get('__gtype_name__'

Any chance somebody could explain to me what's going on here?

I appreciate the help, thank you.


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