Looking for alternatives to call webkit functions

Hi there,

I apologize if you see this message twice. I first tried sending it without subscribing the list and as far as I can see my earlier message is still in moderation state.

I am working on Ubutnu 12.04 and 13.04 desktop versions and do face same problems on both versions of OS.

I have a simple GTK application that displays a webkit webview which in turn fetches a url and displays content of it. It's mostly hello world application for Webkit.

I would like to call DOMDocument.evaluate function in python to reach certain elements on the page, but get error that DOMXPathResult can not be None. I could not find a way to build the parameter that Webkit would accept and null is one of the valid value for this parameter.

I tried using ctype, but that's resulting into core dump - I must be doing something wrong.

Is there any way I can call this function from python? I have used function from c/java and know that I am sending the right parameters.



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