Re: Merging instance with GtkBuilder object

Hey Paul,

On 28/02/12 04:59, Paul Lange wrote:
This is my code:

from gi.repository import Gtk

class Test(Gtk.Window):
	def __init__(self):
		builder = Gtk.Builder()
		self = builder.get_object("window1")
		self.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
		self.msg = builder.get_object("label1")
		# attribute not found exception

Obviously, you can change the reference 'self', but that will not change the instance being initialized (i.e. it will not make 'window1' an instance of 'Test'). I barely used 'GtkBuilder', but the class attribute of the object tag suggests that you could replace 'GtkWindow' by 'Test'. I know neither if that would actually work with a class exterior to GTK nor how that would interact with a subclass written in Python, though...

-- Simon

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