Using iterators like GHashTableIter

Hi all,
  I'm trying to use libaccounts-glib [0] from python.So far all is good,
except iterating account settings. In C code, this would work in the
same way that GHashTable works:

    AgAccountSettingIter iter;
    const gchar *key;
    const GValue *value;

    ag_account_settings_iter_init (account, &iter, NULL);
    while (ag_account_settings_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
    { something with key and value...

However, I don't know how to use this in python. The following code
leads to a segmentation fault of the python interpreter itself:

i = Accounts.AccountSettingsIter()
account.settings_iter_init(i, '') <- valgrind reports errors since here
key = None
value = None
while account.settings_iter_next(i, key, value):  <- crash
    print key

I'm not posting the backtrace, because it's an unhelpful backtrace
pointing to malloc_consolidate.

Any idea of what could be the issue? The .gir file can be seen here:



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