Re: [pygtk] PyGObject directory issue again, taking a stand

Ok, I took the plunge.  I still have not moved the header files since they are mostly used by static bindings and I have not removed the pygtk.pth file.  Please make sure to clean out your install and build roots and test against PyGtk and other static bindings to make sure I didn't just break the world.

----- "John Palmieri" <johnp redhat com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm taking a stand on the issue of PyGObject modules being placed in
> the gtk-2.0 directory.  This causes path issues when built in a
> buildroot and causes confusion issues when developers aren't sure if
> they should import pygtk and call pygtk.require('2.0').  Not to
> mention that PyGObject Introspection targets Gtk-3.0.
> My proposal, which I am going through with if there is no serious
> objections, is this - move the gi, gobject and glib modules outside of
> the gtk-2.0 module into the site-packages top level module directory
> in the next unstable release.  If it breaks the world we can move back
> before distros ship with it.  All static generated bindings will keep
> on keeping on inside the gtk-2.0 directory.  Because of how search
> paths were setup this should really not produce any visible changes in
> apps but will allow us to drop the requirement to import pygtk for
> next generation apps.  The only issue I can forsee is if static
> generated bindings were using relative imports.
> Should we need to have a parallel installable glib/gobject 3, we can
> simply namespace them as glib3 and gobject3 when the time comes.
> If you feel this is a really bad idea, speak now.   
> --
> John (J5) Palmieri
> Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc.
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John (J5) Palmieri
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.

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