Re: ERROR:root:Requiring namespace 'Gtk' version '2.0', but '3.0' is already loaded

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Pierre-Luc Beaudoin
<pierre-luc pierlux com> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2010, at 3:43 PM, Robert Park wrote:
>> Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by 'mouse pointers' in this
>> context? Does this mean that without Champlain-gtk there can be no
>> mouse interaction with the map?
> My bad, the correct wording is "mouse cursor icon".  I meant the Grab mouse icon over the map, and a Grabbing hand when you click and move.  That's about all you'll be missing if you don't use Champlain-Gtk.

Ooooooh, ok. So mouse interaction will still work, just that the
appearance of the pointer won't change during a drag action. Gotcha.

That's something that I'm willing to give up if it means getting my
app to run (because it is still not even able to run _at_all_ on
Fedora 14 despite J5's help thusfar).

Do you have any thoughts on why libchamplain is so broken on F14,
Pierre-Luc? For the most part I was very pleased with how well it was
working on Ubuntu Maverick, and that was even only version 0.4.6. I
was hoping 0.6.1 would fix some of the minor issues I was having, but
I can't even get it to run at all.



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