PyGI Docs / Advanced GObject Capabilities

Hi All,

I maintain a number of large PyGtk apps (some open source, some not). I
make use of a the more advanced PyGObject/PyGtk features and after some
Googleing I could not find any advice on how the following features map
to PyGI, or any sort of porting guide for non-trivial PyGtk apps. It
would be helpful if someone could answer the following;

* _gsignals_. Is this class property supported?
* What about gobject.signal_new("xxx", klass)
* Interface implementation, does do_xxx functions in
  subclasses still work automatically?
* Overriding built in signals. Does one still do 
  _gsignals_ = {"configure-event":"override"}
  def do_configure_event(*args)
* Is _gproperties_ supported?
* Are the PyGtk helpers like GenericTreeModel supported?
* Are properties mapped to automatically?



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