Planner-list A question about changing page size in planner

Good day, fellow planner users!

One thing I have struggled with over time with planner is changing page size.  I haven't determined precisely what the problem is, but it is something along the following lines:

1. a GANTT chart doesn't fit
2. so I decide to make a big paper size
3. at first I can set the page size to this new fake paper size
4. but "after awhile" (maybe a bit of twiddling with the dimensions or adding more new sizes, not sure) I can no longer set to this new size; instead I seem to always get flipped back to the last canned size I selected.

I am sorry for the vagueness; I intend to dig in further and determine the exact steps needed to reproduce, but is anyone out there suffering something similar?

I find a workaround is to exit the application, delete the .gnome2/planner/planner-print-config file, and start up the application again.

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.

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