Re: Planner-list 1. Planner resources/tasks: How to handle people working part-time only?

On 22/01/2013, planner-list-request gnome org
<planner-list-request gnome org> wrote:
Today's Topics:

   1.  Planner resources/tasks: How to handle people working
      part-time only? (Sabine Moehler)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:17:32 +0100
From: Sabine Moehler <smoehler eso org>
To: planner-list gnome org
Subject: Planner-list Planner resources/tasks: How to handle people
      working part-time only?
Message-ID: <50FD15BC 2010606 eso org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dear all,

I have started to use Planner just recently and I try to set up a
project for which one person 50% of his time. I tried to accommodate
that by setting the working hours in his calendar to 4 hours per day.
Still, if I create a task with fixed duration, that takes 8 hours and
should be completed within 2 days the person is assigned with 50% of his
time instead of 100%. How can I get this consistent, i.e. have planner
take into account that the work day length is not 8h for that resource?
Or is there any other possibility to handle part-time workers?

Maybe to set up the person with a part-time calendar. Please try the
following code below; copy to your text editor and save as
'test.planner', then open in planner. Seems that with a part time
calendar, the gantt view shows the 8 hours of work consuming 2 days (2
mornings that the part-time calendar was created). The task view shows
the duration as 1 day, which is confusing, but the resource usage
shows 100 %

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="" company="" manager="" phase=""
project-start="20130326T000000Z" mrproject-version="2" calendar="2">
      <day-type id="0" name="Working" description="A default working day"/>
      <day-type id="1" name="Nonworking" description="A default non
working day"/>
      <day-type id="2" name="Use base" description="Use day from base
    <calendar id="1" name="part-time">
        <overridden-day-type id="0">
          <interval start="0800" end="1200"/>
        <day date="20130326" type="day-type" id="0"/>
    <calendar id="2" name="Default">
      <default-week mon="0" tue="0" wed="0" thu="0" fri="0" sat="1" sun="1"/>
        <overridden-day-type id="0">
          <interval start="0800" end="1200"/>
          <interval start="1300" end="1700"/>
    <task id="1" name="test 1" note="" work="28800"
start="20130326T000000Z" end="20130327T053144Z"
work-start="20130326T080000Z" percent-complete="0" priority="0"
type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
    <resource id="1" name="testuser" short-name="" type="1" units="0"
email="" note="" std-rate="1000" calendar="1"/>
    <allocation task-id="1" resource-id="1" units="100"/>

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