Planner-list need help entering project start date earlier than current date


I'm using Planner 0.14.4 on REL 6.  I need to import an existing project schedule from Microsoft Project to Planner.  The MS project has been exported as an XML file. I can import the file, but the project start date is 11-28-11.  When I import the file, the project displays a start date of the current date.

So I tried creating a new schedule (attached).  The task start date is 11-28-11 but the displayed start date is Apr 9, which is today's date.

Is there a way to get Planner to recognize and display a project start date earlier than the current date?  If not, how can you import an existing project that is already underway?


Ann Marie

Ann Marie Rubin, PMP
Engineering Program Manager
Red Hat, Inc.
arubin redhat com
Phone: 978.392.3959
Fax: 978.392.3984

Attachment: testproject.planner
Description: XML document

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