Planner-list how to define end of project


I have just started to use planner for my first project, While most things work rather intuitively, I am unable to figure out how to set an end date of my project.
The problem is really that when I export to e.g. html I get a month's worth of 
output although my project only has (and will have) tasks defined for one week. 
Zooming in doesn't seem to help with html export. I would have expected to see a 
"end date of project" in the project properties dialog, but it only let's me 
define the start date.
I am running planner 0.14.2 on Ubuntu 7.10.

thanks in advance for any hints,

Michael Olberg                           <michael olberg chalmers se>
Onsala Space Observatory                       tel: +46-(0)31-7725507
Chalmers University of Technology              fax: +46-(0)31-7725590
S-43992 Onsala, SWEDEN                      mobile: +46-(0)70-3319556
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