Re: Planner-list today

Maurice van der Pot wrote:
On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 04:00:00PM +0400, Евгений Косов wrote:
Is that what you need?
Yes, that was very helpful.

I am interested to know what output the attached code would produce on
your system.

Execute the following commands to compile and run it:

	gcc -o timetest timetest.c

# ./timetest
t1 = 1215433674
tm_sec = 54
tm_min = 27
tm_hour = 16
tm_mday = 7
tm_mon = 6
tm_year = 108
tm_wday = 1
tm_yday = 188
tm_isdst = 1
t2 = -1



Planner-list mailing list
Planner-list gnome org

Evgeniy Kosov

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