Re: Planner-list What's the life of planner?

Maurice van der Pot kirjoitti:
On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 08:20:52AM +0200, Jani Tiainen wrote:
Well I should take a look how it runs on Windows too, it's been long
time since I touched those parts of code and gnome libs have gone much
further since then.

And then I would be able to also contribute some code too, I seem to
have too much spare time... :)
It would be very useful to have a page like Francisco Moraes' [1] with
complete instructions on building Planner and all its dependencies on
Windows from source (including the ones that Francisco precompiled).
Basically everything from installing msys upto running planner.
Well last time problem was more like to get correct development 
libraries... Now things should be different nobody just haven't bothered 
to check them up.
For instance, libxslt now includes a fix that is needed to get week
numbers right (Gnome bug #452876). We'd need that one before the next
release, because the other the part of the fix is in planner, which
makes things worse without the libxslt part.

Is a build instructions page something you could help with?
Sure... Just have to first setup environment.. :)

Altough I'm pretty sure that I wrote those instructions once...


Jani Tiainen

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