Planner-list Planner: HTML Export Issue (and fix?)

Title: Planner: HTML Export Issue (and fix?)

Hi all,

I have just installed planner and whilst experimenting I exported the plan to HTML.

Everything was there but the bars representing task duration etc… on the Gantt chart do not line up correctly (the height of the row does not match the height of the row containing the task WBS, Name and Work information), and becomes further and further out of line with a greater number of tasks

Is this a known bug (I can't seem to see it on bugzilla)?

I've changed the html1_css.xsl file (changes below) and this has fixed the problem without (as far as I can see) causing problems elsewhere in the html export.

Can a planner developer confirm that this is a problem and perhaps confirm the fix?




tr, td, th {
 white-space: nowrap;
 vertical-align: top;
 padding-top: 0px; <!-- changed was 1px -->
 padding-bottom: 0px; <!-- changed was 1px -->

And then:

 * Gantt
div.gantt-empty-begin, div.gantt-empty-end, div.gantt-complete-done, div.gantt-complete-notdone, div.gantt-summary {
 clear: none;
 float: left;
 height: 0.75em;
 margin-top: 0; <!-- changed was 0.15em -->
 margin-bottom: 0;

Chris Parr - Content Centre Developer
+44 (0)1422 889216
Content Technology
Sweet & Maxwell (Yorkshire)

Thomson Legal & Regulatory Limited
Registered Office 100 Avenue Road, London NW3 3PF
Registered in England & Wales: Company No. 1679046.

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