Re: Planner-list Any way to change "Week XX" lables on Gantt view to month?

Will Dennis wrote:
> Anyways, I would like to change the lables on the top strip of the Gantt
> chart view from "Week ##, 2007" to the name of the relevant month (with
> or without year.) I checked in the Help > User Guide, could not see how
> to do this. But in section 3.10 "Using the Gantt View", I can see the
> screenshot has Year and then Quarter lables, so it seems as if this sort
> of thing may be configurable. Please let me know if this is possible
> (and how :)

It's not fully configurable in the way that you have complete freedom
over the format the time is displayed, but the way the times are
displayed is dependent on the zoom level, which you can control.
That's what you saw in the help.

Zoom out once from what you now have and you'll get month + year in the
top row and week number in the bottom row.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Creator of BiteMe!       griffon26 kfk4ever com

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