Re: [Planner] ressources usage

On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 12:51 -0400, Kurt Maute wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 19:10 -0400, Frederic wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> >     I have another question concerning the ressources usage. I think 
> > there is a bug with the computation. Indeed, I think if you have a task 
> > and subtask, automatically, you're at more than 100%. Do you experience 
> > the same problem or am I doing something wrong ? I use the 0.13 version.
> Looks like a bug.  I get the same result.  If I create a summary task
> with one subtask and assign the same resource to both at 100%, then the
> resource appears as overallocated.  I think we need to either disallow
> the assignment of a resource to a summary task, or simply disable
> resource usage calculations on summary tasks.
> A workaround for now is to simply not assign a resource to a summary
> task.

I think that it should not be disallowed the assignment of resources to
summary tasks.  You can use those tasks to add other resources that are
not specific to the tasks but help them or just overhead.

If a task is just a summary of a group of tasks, nothing should be
attached to it to describe what is going to happen downstream.  Any of
its properties is a reflection of the other tasks.

If you add resources to a summary task, it becomes a task that depends
on the other tasks with start-to-start and end-to-end relationships done

Just my 2 cents


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