Re: [Planner] ressources usage

On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 19:10 -0400, Frederic wrote:
> Hello,
>     I have another question concerning the ressources usage. I think 
> there is a bug with the computation. Indeed, I think if you have a task 
> and subtask, automatically, you're at more than 100%. Do you experience 
> the same problem or am I doing something wrong ? I use the 0.13 version.

Looks like a bug.  I get the same result.  If I create a summary task
with one subtask and assign the same resource to both at 100%, then the
resource appears as overallocated.  I think we need to either disallow
the assignment of a resource to a summary task, or simply disable
resource usage calculations on summary tasks.

A workaround for now is to simply not assign a resource to a summary

Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>

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