Re: [Planner] Postgres and Planner


> Not really related, but does planner supprt MySQL 'yet'?  I'm primarilly 
> using mysql, and I REALLY don't want (or like) to install postgres.  But 
> personal preferences aside, shouldn't Planner support other databases, 
> or at least odbc?

Planner now uses libgda to acess databases, so we have the technology to
support multiple databases. Now we can't use MySQL because the SQL code
we use have cursor and other things MySQL doesn't support.

With libgda 1.2, Rodrigo Moya (leader of libgda) has told us that it is
better to let libgda the more complex SQL code, as CURSORs, and use more
simpler SQL so with this changes, MySQL and other databases support as
ODBC, will be easy to do.

I am not sure now many backends we will support, but MySQL will be
supported with Postgresql. Other backends won't have a lot of work, but
it depends in people support for doing the code and mantaining it later.


> Alex
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