[Planner] Fixed cost materials?

Dear Folks,

Thank you for a wonderful program.

I would like some resources that are materials to have a fixed cost,
whereas it seems that in the resources dialog, the only way to set the
cost is at a rate per hour.  Can planner support a fixed cost
resource, where the cost does not vary with the time taken to use it?

Sorry if this is a silly question, as project management software is
fairly new to me.

planner-0.12.1-1 on FC3.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE       http://nicku.org          nicku(at)nicku.org
Proud ex-member of Dept. of Information & Communications Technology in
Hong Kong IVE (Tsing Yi), Home of Visual Paradigm: Jolt Productivity
Award winner, programmed by ICT's own graduates!
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