Re: [Planner] Re: Task Predecessors - Type setting buggy?

mån 2003-12-01 klockan 13.10 skrev Frank Schaeckermann:

> Also on another note... a negative lag isn't allowed either, is it?

Hm, I can't remember right now, but I suspect that we might support it
in the code, even though it's not exposed in the UI.

> Thanks for the quick answer! Any idea how difficult it would be for me to dig into the source code and try to add those myself (you can safely assume that I know quite well how to program *wink*)?

It shouldn't be very difficult, at least once you've dug into the code.
If you try, you should check out libplanner/mrp-task-manager.c, that's
where the scheduling happens.


Richard Hult                    richard imendio com

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