Project status and proposal

Hello all,

I was reading lasts emails from archive. Since I cannot respond the Alexandre e-mail I decided to open a new thread to not mix things.

It seems you are in the road to rewritting this wonderful piece of software that so many happines gave me in the past. So I can see if I can do something for the tool. Since the Gantt chart seems to be a problem I propose:

  1. Do it in Gdk - Cairo like baobab is doing. This should gave us threaded animations (nice feature) on gantt chart for free.
    1. I saw how to draw gantt charts by hacking data on a barchart. So if a library for barcharts is available I can hack a demo very fast...
  2. Since clutter will be mainstreamed and rebranded as GSK. I can also try to do something directly in GSK. That looks nice for the purpose (if ready).
    1. Other mean is to try with clutter then port to GSK.

What do you think?

I also moved to meson all my projects for building. The difference is GREAT. Compilation times and manageability are exceptional. And you don't have to wait 20 minutes for a build... I think it would be a win. Everyone is also moving.

About the use of Vala... will you reconsider it? Lot of wonderful projects are written in vala (gnome-builder for instance) and it's working nice. And no I don't think it will dissapear. Specially if we use it.

I did some hacking on baobab to add support for ceph and it was nice. Really. It saves a lot of time. Specially when you have to define the class init and object init functions, callbacks and so on. It has a lot of advantages.

About new features... I think the same than Andrew Miloradovsky. Maybe is not time for it. But giving a chance for new features it can give a boost to the project (but also kill it :-( ). Maybe new developers join... So we can propose, then it should be implemented... if possible.

So I propose the following:

  1. Add a Kanban style chart for the tasks. Grouped on milestones and with status depending if it has a resource or not, but also if someone has advanced it based on progress.
  2. Add Scrum backlog based on the tasks. And maybe grouped on sprints.
  3. Some progress reporting reports would be nice to have.

The agile development methodologies are advancing but the tools to manage them are not. Also agile methodologies have a problem when planning longterm. Thats why I use planner for the longterm management, but then I pass the tasks and milestones to a Scrum based tool where I get day to day (sprint to sprint) backlog and progress.

This could be a great win for the project and merging the best of both worlds can be a win. Cause the tools I see for Agile are specific for it. Not using a merge of Agile and traditional. And can give the project new visibility.

That's it. I know it's too much for first email hope I don't disturb much with it.

Best regards,

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