Re: failed to compile and develop planner 0.14.6 source code on windows xp os


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On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 4:20 AM, Kobe <bigkingkong yahoo cn> wrote:
> I downloaded the planner 0.14.6 source code, and follow the instructions of
> Planner on Windows( But I failed to
> compile them. Then I tried to compile the code in VC 6.0 and still faced so
> many errors such as gettext_package undeclared(I guess config.h may be the
> where can I find it?) and some cannot open include file errors
> like gconf/gconf_client.h, python.h, libgda/libgda.h and so on.
> So, what can I do now? I hope some person can help to give me advices. Thank you!

It's hard to help you without the exact error message. It seems
something is wrong with the dependencies. Did you download and install
all those listed on ? You may
need to setup VC 6.0 so that it recognizes them, but I don't know how
to do that.

Alexandre Franke

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