Re: Planner for web


I love planner too, I'm using planner integrated with RedMine [1], I maked a simple (and poor) integration with it, basicly i set planner time and baseline and post it to RedMine using libplanner and RedMine API by RESTFul Service.

If you will want create a planner-web I help you because it's useful for me.

1 -

Fábio Nascimento

"O estudo da ciência da computação não consegue transformar qualquer um em um excelente programador, da mesma forma que o estudo de tintas e pinceis não transforma qualquer um em um excelente pintor." – Eric S. Raymond

2011/8/24 Mukesh Yadav <mak gnu gmail com>
 I loved the planner app for gnome. I would love to have a web based app if it is available, If there is no plan or its not available. I try to make one start it. Can any one help me out how do I create database structure.

Mukesh Yadav

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