Re: compiling 0.14.5 / git latest for win32

Thanks for the feedback Jose,

I've been working in Gnome for a while now but it would be good to take another look at the windows build.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 4:20 PM, José Fontanil <fontajos phpeppershop com> wrote:
Hi, it's quite a while since planner 0.14.5 was announced, so I tried to compile it for windows manually using your detailed instruction list at .

Here is my feedback, maybe this is of help for you:

Problems / what's missing:

Compiling Planner (make -f Makefile.win32 install):
- build-script 0.14.4:
 - One library and dev-lib was too old (font...)
 - After changed downloadlist I also disabled the md5checks
- 7-Zip 7z.exe is not in /c/Program Files/7-Zip/ since I use a German
 Windows 7 64Bit: /c/Programme/7-Zip/
- hhc is not in path by default
- "missing sentinel in function call" warning appeared:
 -> Since there is a warning in compiling: Removed -Werror flag in top
- Changed planner-util-win32.c : _(...) functions lead to an undefined
 reference during linking - changed in not translated strings.

Creating Installer (make -f Makefile.win32 createinstaller):
all ok

starting planner after install - but nothing happens, very frustrating!!! :-(

Hope you will provide a working binary soon..

Best regards

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